Nutrients in cold-pressed oil and their benefits

As concerned consumers we always appreciate the extra details and information about what our families are having in their food. Cold-pressed oil is claimed to possess a lot of healthy factors and nutrients that can help us as an alternative for regular or refined oil.

Here is a list of a few of those nutrients and their benefits for our bodies:

  • Vitamin E performs as an antioxidant in the body. It is fat-soluble and moves through the body to fats. It’s stored in the liver and fatty tissue and is used when needed.
  • Vitamin K is required by the body for blood clotting. It also helps in keeping our bones healthy and healing the wounds.
  • Vitamin C helps in managing high blood pressure, reducing risk of chronic diseases, preventing iron deficiency, reducing risk of heart diseases, boosting immunity, etc.
  • Antioxidants play an important role in reducing the risk of many chronic diseases including certain cancers, diabetes as well as heart diseases.
  • Essential fatty acids like omega-3s help in improving eye health, fighting depression and anxiety, reducing symptoms of ADHD in children, promoting brain health during pregnancy as well as early life of children, etc. It also helps positively against Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Oleic acid and other unsaturated fats help in lowering the LDL (bad) cholesterol.

It can help us in keeping blood sugar levels as well as cholesterol levels in control. Apart from all these cold-pressed oils also serve as a good alternative for hair treatment, skin conditioning as well as treating nails.

Cold-pressed oils have a lot of benefits to provide, we just have to take the first step of choosing it over refined alternatives, and accepting the best for us and our families.