Different uses of cold pressed oils:

  • Almond oil can be massaged directly into the skin.
    • We can make an exfoliating facial scrub by mixing the oil with sugar.
    • We can make a body scrub by mixing it with salt.
    • These can also be rubbed on chapped lips, to the nails and cuticles, etc.
  • Groundnut oil has high smoking points and thus can be used for cooking at high temperatures like deep frying variety of foods.
    • It can also be filtered and reused many times, making it cost effective.
    • It can be used for cooking various dishes as it has a neutral taste and does not interfere with other flavours in the dishes.
  • Coconut oil works as a great alternative for skin moisturizer.
    • It can be used to massage on skin at least 2-3 times per week for improving blood circulation, moisturized skin, improved quality of sleep, etc.
    • It can also be used as nasal drops for healing cracks in nostrils, cleansing sinuses, etc.
    • It has been used for years for massaging scalp before hair washes.
    • It can be used for oil pulling at least once a day in order to prevent bad breath, dental cavities, etc.

There are many other types of cold pressed oil available which can be used for their unique properties and purposes, and are extremely useful. These oils can be easily stored in cool, dry and dark places for a long time and can be used conveniently.